Friday, December 12, 2008

Just Leave Education alone from Politic

I really getting tired & Bored with what been said regarding education system. This is really a shit talks and its going no where except towards "hatred" & completely stand off.

I have a chat with my friends at mamak stall last week. I always consider him a extreme Chinese educated friend. Although he has been very very tune down these day. He even surprise me before when he told me he is thinking sending his sons to National type school like me!!!! It just like you will not expect Nik Aziz saying he is considering sending his sons to Chinese school or even national school!

Our talks on that days is Education issue. This is a topic where we never fail to have a heat debate. I consider him typical Chinese and he always consider me a "malay" coz my thinking and understanding of Malay. Until today neither us success bring each other in a straight win debate. It been almost 10 years since the first debate.

I ask him to enlighten me what is Dong Jiao Zong? Dong Zong? Jiao Zong? Xiao Zong? I never understand why chinese school is so complicated. Mostly what he explained is the things you never see or experience in national school. In school we only know we have headmaster, teacher & PTA mostly responsible for the school.

1. Government VS Chinese education is a never ending story like Chicken & eggs theory. Its really waste of time arguing these things. Just like I and my friends who have try to get an answer after 10 years trying......

2. Too little interaction dialog in between both parties

3. Strengthen national type school quality and you will see people sending children there to study regardless what races you are. (I encounter once in KL national school where the headmaster are promoting direct selling products & membership to me after finish discuss my purpose of visiting)

4. Focusing on quality education and not quality students

5. Education today is too politic, polluted & full with racial toxic. Nobody really bother teaching just the sake of giving education to the future.

6. Prevention is better than cure. Prevent education policy maker (Normally not politician but under ministry bureau) from making non-sense guideline. E.g Biro Tata negara (BTN) controversy. Why need create all the non-sense when they should promote "proud to be Malaysian" feeling.

7. Our education should focusing in "Kesamaan" and not "ketaksamaan". I support sekolah Wawasan concept as a small concrete step to nation building.

8. Education is a MUST and not a need anymore. So no one can denied other from giving best education for their children. If they can effort go oversea, pergilah. Those who cannot effort, study hard and fight for a place in local University.

9. It is a NIGHTMARE if malay, indian, singh, portugues, iban etc is totally separated from my earlier education. I truly enjoy my great childhood with them in primary & secondary school. Same to my malay will be never so excited if we are not know each others and laugh each others.

So our final conclusion of that night is :



  1. yes, you're right, should put more efforts to improve quality of the education, rather than making a lot of non-constructive arguments. A recent report on TIMSS is a clear indicator that we are far behind from our neighbour country.

  2. To Cklim,

    This is the first time I heard something call TIMSS. Thanks for mention it.

    Our racial sentiment nowsday is actually very dangerous and testing. 2 main reason; PAK LAH open policy (or weakness??) and after general election political lanscaping changes.

    Issue like education, religion, and races should not over debate and challenge by each others.

    Having more dialog, forum disccussion between all races is a better way to find the middle path results. Not issuing statement from politician or single races association.

    The time bomb is waiting.

  3. Sarjan Low,

    TIMSS besically a standard to measure the science and math capabilities of students in primary and secondary schools among those participated countries.

    Thanks for your opinions, provide some great insights to me. In multiracial country, not matter which races you are, our goal is only one-->the welfare of our homecountry. People in power (i.e. political leaders) should speak wisely, and solve problem in a mature, intelligent ways. Like you mentioned, We should come out a "rational" or middle path solutions..
