Thursday, November 08, 2007

Friends from out of the world - LP 67

LP 67 - Small Group Stretch Nite
Here are my best outer space friends. They come from no where then suddenly become part of my life without any doubt. Although we not see and talk to each other often now, the time we spent and know each other (bout 6 months) will forever ever at our heart.
Front Row left to right
lini (datin), Tian Yee (controller + ball cutter, Lisa ( my dear buddies...miss so much)
Behind (macho man) left to right: Vincent Nah (Papa Rock), Onn (Passioniate Young Man), Eddie low, Jeffrey (Our best awardes senior)

2nd Week end Of LP67
The Most powerful team on earth.

Mountain Tracking - Genting Highlands
It took me 6 hours from here to reach destination and back to starting point. Although seem very 'Bey', they say it is actually very good record for those stop exercise for years and never have a proper shoe for mountain tracking.. my nike basketball shoe was completely torn up.

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