"a man very unpopular trying to do something right. He is making use of the system in the worst ways!"
~Dr M talked to Stephen Sackur on BBC Hard Talk bout PM's promise of judicial reforms
Just after I post up congratulate to PAK LAH bout bravely making ACA independence by end of year, the latest Mahathir attack is back haunted!
Below are the link to most recent Mahathir interview with BBC tv program name Hard Talk. I must admit i still very Fond Mahathir way of answering question...not just entertain but also very cocky!
Here & here

Honestly, Most of us are greatly admirer to Dr M as we are agree that this outstanding & paradigm type of leadership human being will never found again for the last & future 50 years! He is just most outstanding & visionary.
First Book I bought in my life is actually Dr M book: Malay Dilemma. I bought it in Singapore as that time Malaysia hard to find this book.
Yet it is not something new as Mahathir attack on Pak Lah been started since cancelation of the causeway bridge Malaysia-Singapore. Thousand of theory why Mahathir so desperate want PAK LAH out and so angry bout PAK LAH. The real reason will be another mystery to be unlock by Dr M himself only after Anwar sodomy cases.
Malaysia Need Mahathir? Yes and need it dearly. But not in this way. Although we have great leadership to offer from Dr M, We must face reality that the world must go on, Malaysia must go on, new leadership must be bring in to keep Malaysia future generation alive. What ever happen now will have both good and bad effect. What i believe is it will be good to Malaysia Future.

Yes our life is very difficult today, everything UP except our money and....yet it is PAK LAH fault? For me it is because all the controlling system in Malaysia all this while is no more can resist world wide influence and penetration. Call it Globalization or The World is Flat, the fact is world wide political & economy been going a uncertain trends.... I also believe it is work of Conspiracy of powerful capitalis. Was it a fact or PAK LAH really so impotence...i leave it to you.
So talking bout PAK LAH weak and listen too much to Khairy might be truth. But i choose to see what have PAK LAH trigger in Malaysia political system. All the bad side of PAK LAH is actually born another Good Side for Malaysian.(Just think it deeply how is Malaysia now compare before)I always believe what PAK LAH did in this few years will only can feel the effect 20 - 30 years later as he is seeding Human capital development.

Recently, Pak Lah even being compare to Mikhail Gorbachev, the leader credited with carving open the Soviet Union with sweeping reforms before being unceremoniously forced out of power..i love if it can become true. Here
PAK LAH has inheret a very tough, very proud, outstanding, total in control, monopoly & stern policies government from a very rare outstanding & visionary leader, Dr Mahathir. The successful of mahathir is actually made whoever succeed him facing uphill task and yet no credit will be recognize to the later. Thats why PAK LAH have keep perform his job like hell...the standard is just too high.

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