Some important point in the Malaysian Bar Council dinner at the JW Marriott Hotel, Kuala Lumpur by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
"...I can say with a clear conscience that I abided and will continue to abide by the principle of separation of powers, leaving the matter of justice to the judiciary. And yet the legacy of 1988 haunts us until today..."
"..I am pleased to announce to you tonight that the Government is proposing the setting up of a Judicial Appointments Commission to identify and recommend candidates for the judiciary to the Prime Minister. .."
"...the Government will initiate a review of the judiciary’s terms of service and remuneration...."
"...the Government would like to recognise the contributions of these six judges to the nation, their commitment towards upholding justice and to acknowledge the pain and loss they have endured...................In recognition of the contributions of the six outstanding judges, the Government has decided to make goodwill ex gratia payments to them."
"The government has set the ball rolling. "
Although the government had not openly "apologize" or regret in the 1988 event, What Pak Lah have done tonight is just magnificient & historical. If we transform of what the government have promised, it is more than just say "sorry". The government not only have admitted the wrong doing in a sense but also taken postive step to correct the mistake of past and building up again judiciary pride.
Pak lah, you have rightly done what should be done. Thank you
And also not forgottan the man behind the screen and most credited figure...De facto Law Minister, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim

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