Samy Vellu
Recently i really don't know what is in Samy Vellu Head. First after election & massive lost for MIC, he still want another last term as President MIC after hold the post for last 30 year!
And I also don't know why no MIC members come out and object it...another proof as why Mahathir had said samy never bring up issue ... coz samy too often kill off issue whenever got people raise it? The only people can save MIC and make it relevent so that can make a come back next general election are none than its own member!
Then he suddenly say want government to release the 5 Hindraf lawyer. For What? To please with the indian community? To look good? As a government servant and most senior government executive why don't he speak the truth to public why the hindraf detained under ISA.
First i totally against Hindraf demand on government & lies they made outside malaysia. The demand is just unrealistic and racist. Can malaysian accept if chinese malaysia made demand to the same things? A indian friend joke to me that chinese and malays should stay away from hindraf coz we already have "something" in malaysia.. but indian must participant coz they dont have "anything" so nothing to lose! For me the hindraf is more about frustration and political motived. Now Hindraf successed press government favor to indian community yet it take away some Malay & Chinese rights also. If Hindraf is genuine, what they fight for must be benifict to all malaysian not just one community.
Secondly, why samy didn't disclose that Police & internal security already have proof the linkage between Hindraf & extremist Tamil-Tiger. Yes i was told that the government have found out the direct linkage between the two party which certainly will bring in element of extremist in Malaysia society. It is a national security issue! Some might not agree in this point but i do believe as it is not political fact, it is a fact from Interpol & Police of Malaysia.
Thirdly, the release of the Hindraf certainly will happen. Malaysia is no more practising detained a person from young and after old only release them. The release of Nik Aziz son is one of the example.
Forth, If Samy really mean to release them, why dont do it before election? Making a turning point now is just as good as Samy think what the govenment do was wrong and what Hindraf demand is right! So samy want to join opposite now?
AFter Hindraf now he say the demolition of temple is the cause of why MIC defeat & Worst he say he will get "outsider" help if govenment dont want help indian!
Here & Here
Gilakah Samy! Your statement is just same as saying if government dont want help indian community, better indian malaysia balik india & cina balik china. Where your patriotic Samy? IS government didn't help or you didn't help your own community?
This is the government you fight together for the past 30 year. In good time your egolistic is as high as sungai siput-Lion Hill. Now you lost, you act like a sore loser. Why dont just admit all the indian problem is actually coz by your inefficiency, inability, your dracula control with gangsterism & your money to shut the issue out.
I don't think MCA have done enough for chinese either, but i believe MCA contribution to chinese community is significant and very important all this while as they have play their part.
So Samy, if you still talk rubbish instead of start some soul searching & concrete plan for rebuilt confidence for MIC, you are finished as well as MIC.
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