"...If government want to continue thinking strategy solving what petrol mostly used by malaysian to be subsided and not about the technology factor of the engine, we are just using the money in a wasteful way. "
Today NST Frontpage is about the subsidy of petrol issue."Rich to pay more" which quote our new Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Samad;
"We are subsidising a form of petrol that is of a high quality, but I was informed by Proton that a majority of cars can use Octane 95.............
.....The price of Octane 99 will still be subsidised but to a lower extent...
".......Shahrir said the government was expected to save more money by allocating most of the subsidy into a single type of fuel, Octane 95, as opposed to subsidising two types of fuels, Octane 92 and Octane 97"
Which type of Fuel to be used in our car is basically depend on the car engine (mainly separated in Diesel & Petrol).
In malaysia we still have a carburetor engine (Proton Saga/Iswara) running on the road. Mostly Wira or Waja car are just fall into "STEP 2" category. Where Western country only allowed "STEP 3 above" car on the road. Meaning what produce out of the car (Engine Performance) will be the star factor how is your car valued in international. (Is the ministry want Proton to continue produce inferior engine car??)
If government want to continue thinking strategy solving what petrol mostly used by malaysian to be subsided and not about the technology factor of the engine, we are just using the money in a wasteful way.

Technology like "NGV" should be subsided in all malaysian public transport vehicle. It's cheaper and more environment friendly. Yet of course it have to solve 2 major problem: Allowed others station operator operationg NGV & Keep upgrade the technology with better performance & lower cost

Other option is diesel engine technology. Yes the same fuel that used in the big lorry, van or buses. In Europe, the diesel car performance have been proven more efficient & lower cost and still better environment friendly. The key point is the reinvented Diesel Engine technology. These day more than 45% of European car are using diesel engine.

How about hidrogen power car & Oil Palm technology? Don't forget we are biggest oil palm producer in the world! Why not pushing out the research or technology faster??

Also how about the public transport services?? I personally rather take public transport for my daily work if it really efficient & convenience rather than using my money for car petrol & maintainence.
If government want to fully utilise the subsidy, then why still want subsidise the Octane 99 fuel which themself say mostly used by luxury car? (How much is consider luxury car??? 100k above or 150K or 200 K) If really luxury, then JUST DON'T SUBSIDISE!
what the heck? even the new techonology also want to declare a subsidise technology...stupid...wasting money for malaysian citizen to support the R&D..even our petrol and diesel also not a high grade also...our neighbour thailand have been using the euro type 3 diesel, but here is using such lousy grade diesel...(everyday have to makan asap)...wreck government.. :(
I still miss the time tritipal Singh, you, Lim cheah Seing cycling around kampung after school... no worry bout petrol...
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