Entrance to the "cemetery's area

Beside the main entrance already got vege & fruits plantation

Tansmission Tower

Currently it has four "resident"
Last Month I manage to visit the controversy muslim cementery area which reported create some tension around the residents nearby. Although i am against the approved area of the cementery, it is pity also to see th muslim graveyard is in "terbengkalai" state. Sometime really don't know what in the Authority mind in the first place. This area definitely not suitable for the cementery.
We are dealing with the dead. Can authority respect the living one and also the dead one. The muslim cementery is not in a "graveyard" state at all. No sign board, no fencing, no maintain or gardening etc. It more like just dump the dead and put up the Liang Lahad on it. It is really unrespect to the dead.
According to the latest news, the cementery will readjust as below;


I hope the news is truth. However as malay proverb "Lembu punya Susu, Sapi punya nama". I believe that will happen to Gerakan efforts on it. Much of the effort will credited to opposition party rather than Gerakan.
In the end, we are looking toward solution for sungai siput resident. I believe it is not really matters who will credit for it. Yet one things for sure. If the agreed new alignment is not approved yet, The new government will be in very difficult situation as New MB Perak is from PAS! and he is also incharge of Islam & Land matters!
I think Gerakan not only give the resident as helping hand, they also give the new MB a relief!
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