Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hitam Manis?? Not anymore after Wangsa Maju

The late Abdel Aziz Hassan Abdraman

I do believe we are racist in natural. Deny it as hard as you can, but you will have to agree with it when you have to deal it personally. If the fact is something in natural then what's wrong with racist?

Racist will be a very serious matters when the thinking and natural sense converted into ACTION (Verbal or Physical). That's what been happened in the recent case where an African student from Chad. African undergraduate, HELP University College, Abdel Aziz Hassan Abdraman, 22,was brutally murdered just because of his color.

Click Here, Here

I have posted about the racist issue toward "black" African in the very early blogging time. Click here. IN that case, ACTION taken by segment of public community is already alarming as its provoke public to reject and chase away "Black" Africans although suspect is only taken to police station for "suspecting" in a murder case. But luckily at the end, the "Black" Africans suspect released and the real murder is a Malaysian Chinese chief.

For Wangsa Maju Case, It's started with harassment for 3 to 4 days (Verbal action) and then clash with violent(Physical). It is because mind and action being connected and function without logically mind create a evil.

I was asking myself, Am i racist toward black people also??? Honestly I think is a YES.

1. I am one of many Malaysian who criticise US treatment of the Black Community. Holding a spirit of freedom, fair, equals and be nice to all....we condemn US. But for the past 1 years my residential area have been "Internationalize". Lots of Bangladesh (Cleaner worker), Chinese nation especially ladies (Small business or "other" business, Thai national (Thai Fair worker) and most important "Black" people...(I don't know how to differentiate them Negro, black or African)

But when myself facing these "international" people and not to mention some very irritating cultural from them. I just wish Malaysia is only for Malaysian....So i was started thinking, what is the different between me and US community(white)?

2. I am also Irritated whenever approached by "Black" people selling imitation goods especially "expenses" Rolex watches or belt whenever having meal in food court.

3.The natural of their body size and the cultural of how they talk is somehow making me feel very insecure.

4.Taxi drivers say they prefer not to fetch "Black" customers because too many bad experience....Leaving without paying, rob by them, fake money etc

5.Black people certainly have a lots of good quality also. Most of the students came here are on Medical & Islamic studies. But because we don't know how to different Negro, Black, African etc... we always group them under One Race or same race.

But For Sure, I won't connect all those "thinking" with "ACTION". I believe we must keep in mind, never connect it together.

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