Saturday, March 21, 2009

Abang-Adik Sungai Siput (U) Perak~ (MCA-GERAKAN)

1. Below article is about some local political issue happening in Sungai Siput

2. MCA have create and taken up 116 Ketua Kampung(head of village)post in Perak but 18 location is given to GERAKAN to manage & appoint.

3.Out of 18 location, 3 is in Sungai Siput (U) Perak namely Kampung Jalong, Kampung Rimba Panjang & Kampung Sungai Buloh. But the problem is until today still haven't announced who is the "Ketua Kampung", Head of village. The Main reason of the delay is believe internal fraction of political camp in MCA.

4. GERAKAN~Dato' Chang Ko Youn(Perak GERAKAN Chairman)don't want get involve in appointing new members(assume from GERAKAN)to takeover from former MCA members as new Ketua Kampung. This is mainly because afraid the move will effected the MCA-GERAKAN relations in Local and also Dato' personal relation with the former ketua kampung from MCA is good.

*How much is the ketua Kampung allowances?
**What is their main responsible?

Source From Here

Editor 20-03-2009 17:25


不过,据《辣手杂志》了解,尽管黄家泉保留这3个新村村长空缺给民政党,并由郑可扬全权处理有关人选问题;可是,由于郑可扬昔日担任也朗州议员时,与这三 个向来由马华党员出任村长的马华领袖关系良好,同时担忧一旦从马华手中取去三个村长职位交由民政党出任,恐怕引起这三个新村的马华党员不满,埋下日后在大 选时不支持民政党候选人的导火线,所以宁愿保持现状,让马华原有的村长继任。


然而,当霹雳州内134个华人新村村长,正积极向国阵州政府争取合法化和获得常月官方津贴时,一场308大选使到村长们最后的努力化为泡影。较后,由黄家 泉掌管的房屋及地方政府部改以另外一种方式,即以联邦村长方式委任其中116名各村的马华党要为村长,而116名联邦村长中,其实大多数都是以前并未被国 阵霹雳州政府承认的村长。


据内幕消息指出,霹雳州民政党为了友好关系,不但不把这3个 新村的归由民政党拥有,反而礼让给马华公会原有的村长,只是马华某位高官,因为派系问题,尤其是现时马华原有的3名村长,有2名属於前B队人马,故此没有去宣布民政党已同意和赞成由马华原有的村长续任的人选。




Anonymous said...



Sarjan low said...


At this point, we are damned if don't involve politic and damned if we involve politic....

Personally i hope both side either agree the disagree and concentrate on economic & welfare of people or ... just finished off either one side completely, leaving only white bone.

Anonymous said...

I guess whose really understand what FINANCIAL CRISIS really means or even know how to spell the words.
At this juncture we then able to identify whose have the wisdom to lead...........Sometime I even think that the higher your postion, the more screw up the mind is.
